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Palm Cove Fishing

Long before 5-star Resorts and fine dining Restaurants became a feature of Palm Cove, the Beach village was renowned for fishing. The narrow channel between Double Island and Palm Cove has been a haven for fish migrating from cool southern waters to the warm northern waters, and Cairns fishers have always been keen to throw a line in the tropical waters and catch a seafood dinner.

The most common species caught from the Palm Cove Jetty is School Mackerel. These fish will quickly latch onto jigged chrome slices, floated garfish and pilchard baits. If you catch a fish that is in season and over the legal size, take it home and cut it up into steaks or fillets, and cook it lightly. Excellent eating.

In warmer months, anglers commonly catch Barramundi, Giant Trevally, Queenfish and sharks. During this time (September to November) the annual run of the much sought after Spanish Mackerel is a popular target for many locals. And there are even species for the kids to catch such as whiting, stripeys, yellowtail and more.

The best method for collecting bait is by jigging for Herring that live in schools under the jetty. When you jag a live Herring, attach it to a hook and float it out to open water or run it to the bottom with a wire trace. Toothy critters like eating them and you need to make sure they don't slice your fishing line with their sharp teeth.

On calm and clear days it is possible to look down from the end of the jetty and see all the way through the turquoise water to the bottom. Watch the Barramundi lurking among the pylons and drop your baited hook or lure right in front of their noses!

Fishing from the rocks near the jetty can also produce good catches, but this area is not as protected and comfortable as the jetty. If you plan to venture into this area hike around the headland to the sheltered area at Buchans Point and you'll catch species such as Barramundi, Estuary Cod, Flathead and Mangrove Jack. The best fishing method is by using live bait or fresh strips of mullet. Alternatively, casting shallow-diving lures and working them around the rocks can be very effective.

Palm Cove Fishing Charter Boats

If you pefer to enjoy a day out on the water, (or an overnight charter) combined with snorkelling and fishing - there is a selection of private charter boats that offer fishing onboard.  Each private charter boat can cater to snorkelling, optional fishing equipment along with some charter boats able to provide scuba diving on request for certified divers. Please ensure to discuss your preference of activities and inclusions at time of booking to ensure all equipment and associated costs are catered for.

To discuss your Palm Cove fishing boat charter contact the local Palm Cove holiday specialists on 1300 780 806.


If you need fishing advice while at Palm Cove, there is always a wealth of local knowledge sitting with a fishing line in hand waiting for a monster fish to pounce. Cairns fishers are always keen to engage in friendly chat about fishing. If you see a rather interesting push cart on the jetty then you will usually find Palm Cove's local fishing identity Doug fishing the Palm Cove waters. He is a wealth of information about the History of Palm Cove fishing and when to get the best eating fish.